New Jersey AniMeals
Feeding Pets whose People are in need!
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Community Cats Resources
Advocacy & information
Alley Cat Allies: http://www.alleycat.org/
Barn Cats, Inc.: http://barncats.org/
Maddies Fund: maddiesfund.org/how-to-start-a-feral-cat-program.htm
Neighborhood Cats: neighborhoodcats.org/
Petfinder: petfinder.com/helping-pets/feral-cats/building-feral-cat-shelters/
Castaway Critters: castawaycritters.org
HSUS: humanesociety.org/assets/maps/feral-cats.html
Feral Friendly Spay Neuter in NJ & PA: spaynj.org/feral-cats/
Feral Cat Rescue: feralcatrescuemd.org/
Need Help With Community Cats (in Hunterdon, Warren, Somerset Counties, NJ)?
Contact us: info@harnesslife.org Describe the situation and include the location of the cats. We’ll put you in touch with local folks who are willing to help.
NJ Specific Resources
NJ Department of Health
Low Cost Spaying/Neutering Program
Web: http://www.state.nj.us/health/vph/pop-control/
$10 spay/neuter if you are on public assistance, at one of the participating veterinarians. See website for details.
Hunterdon County Public Safety
Division of Health Services
314 State Route 12
County Complex, Building #1
Flemington, NJ 08822-2900
Phone: (908) 788-1351
Web: http://www.co.hunterdon.nj.us/health/rabiesclinics.html
Offers free rabies clinics at different times through the year. Check website or call for dates/locations.
National Resources
American Veterinary Charitable Foundation
1931 N. Meacham Rd. Suite 100
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Web: http://www.avmf.org/
Charitable care may be provided to those in need including, disabled vets requiring a service dog, low income seniors, good Samaritans who rescue pets, victims of domestic violence. Requests must come from AVMA vets.
Banfield Pet Hospital
18101 SE 6th Way
Vancouver, WA 98683
Phone: (866) 894-7927
Web: https://www.banfield.com/about-us/community/wellness-pets
HOPE program delivers help to pets with life-threatening conditions, through their hospitals. For owners who can demonstrate financial need, funds are used for medicine, supplies and life-saving emergency treatment. Contact your local Banfield Pet Hospital.
Brown Dog Foundation
3079 South Danielson Place
Chandler AZ 85286
Email: grants@browndogfoundation.org
Web: https://www.browndogfoundation.org/
Provides financial assistance to pet owners in temporary financial crisis whose pet faces a treatable, but life-threatening condition or illness, in order to restore quality of life to owner and pet.
Cody's Club
c/o Nicole Kraft
135 Nottingham Road
Columbus, OH 43214
Phone: (614) 263-7808
Email: kraft.42@osu.edu
Web: http://www.dogdoggiedog.com/pwcAcodysclub.htm
Helps offset some of the costs related to radiation performed at The Ohio State University (or any other 501C3 treating institution), and to provide a support network for veterinary clients who are faced with this very difficult decision.
2108 N 38th Street
Seattle, WA 98103
Email: yourfriends@corgiaid.org
Web: www.corgiaid.org
Program Types: Breed Specific, Nationwide, Vet Expense Assistance
CorgiAid may provide monetary assistance toward medical expenses for Corgis/Corgi mixes who have been rescued by a group or individual. CorgiAid’s ElderCare program helps with expenses of the day-to-day care of an older corgi dog (10yrs+).
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Diabetic Cats in Need
P.O. Box 21
Minot, ME 04258-0021
Phone: 234-738 -DCIN
Email: info@dcin.info
Web: http://www.dcin.dreamhosters.com/
Support diabetic cats in their original, adoptive, shelter, and rescue homes; help to rehome unwanted diabetic cats; and help to educate caregivers on the appropriate treatment of diabetic cats.
For Paws Hospice
310 Orange St.
Palm Harbor, FL 34685
Phone: (727) 639-9285
Email: forpawshospice@hotmail.com
Web: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/for-paws-hospice
Red Flyer Program accepts used wheelchairs, refurbishes them and loans them at no charge to families of handicapped pets in need.
Frankie's Friends
2950 Busch Lake Blvd
Tampa, FL 33614
Phone: (888) 465-7387
Email: giving@frankiesfriends.com
Program Types: Vet Expense Assistance, Nationwide
Frankie’s Friends partners with veterinary emergency and specialty hospitals to determine if an owner’s finances and their pet's medical needs meet the criteria for financial assistance. See website for state list and to apply.
Friends and Vets Helping Pets
P.O. Box 910117
Lexington, KY 40591
Phone: (859) 309-2043
Email: info@friendsandvetshelpingpets.org
Web: http://friendsandvetshelpingpets.org/
Program Types: Disabled Pets, Nationwide, Vet Expense Assistance
Funds treatments for curable (lifesaving, not life-prolong) diseases, ambulatory care, expensive medication, or post-surgical prosthetics such as a K-9 cart.
Handicapped Pets Foundation
5 Saddle Hill Rd.
Amherst, NH 03031
Email: info@hpets.org
Web: http://hpets.org/
Program Types: Vet Expense Assistance, Disabled Pets, Nationwide
Provides wheelchairs to pets in need.
Harley's Hope Foundation
PO Box 88146
Colorado Springs, CO 80908-8146
Phone: (719) 495-6083
Email: info@harleys-hopefoundation.org
Web: http://www.harleys-hopefoundation.org/
Financial assistance is offered, as resources allow, to assist with major or emergency veterinary care and behavioral or specialty training.
Live Like Roo Foundation
5830 North Melvina Ave.
Chicago, IL 60646
Email: livelikeroo@gmail.com
Web: https://www.livelikeroo.org/
Provides support and financial assistance to families whose pet faces a cancer diagnosis, also pays for biopsies and any kind of cancer-preventative when warranted.
Magic Bullet Fund
PO Box 2574
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Web: http://themagicbulletfund.org/
Provides financial assistance for canine cancer treatment only when the family is unable to pay for treatment. *For dogs only
Oscar’s Cause
29890 US HWY 27, Unit 2
Lake Hamilton, FL 33851
Phone: (863) 353-7853
Email: info@oscarscause.org
Web: http://www.oscarscause.org/
Offers financial assistance for vet bills, due to emergency or non-emergency situations, and pet food in certain situations. Also offers help with temporary fostering, re-homing and transporting due to a move.
Paws 4 a Cure
P.O. Box 1821
Wakefield, MA, 01880
Web: http://www.paws4acure.org/
Provides financial assistance to the US who cannot afford veterinary care for their pets. Paws 4 A Cure helps dogs and cats with all injuries and illnesses.
Pit Bulls Against Misinformation
3053 Freeport Blvd. #244
Sacramento, CA 95818
Phone: (916) 243-6860
Email: info@pitbulltruth.org
Web: http://www.pitbulltruth.org/
Provides funding, directly to the veterinarian, for the medical care of dogs of owners in financial need. This grant is NOT SPECIFIC to pit bulls, but for all breeds of dog.
Red Rover
PO Box 188890
Sacramento, CA 95818
Phone: (916) 429-2457
Email: info@redrover.org
Web: www.redrover.org
Urgent Care Grants for ill pets, Domestic Violence Safe Escape Grants for costs of temporary boarding.
Rose's Fund for Animals
PO Box 24
Avon by the Sea, NJ 07717
Phone: (877) 505-4234
Email: rosesfund@aol.com
Web: www.rosesfund.org
Financially assists pet owners and Good Samaritans in getting treatment for their pets who have a good prognosis for recovery.
The Mosby Foundation
P.O. Box 218
Deerfield, VA 24432
Email: info@themosbyfoundation.org
Web: http://themosbyfoundation.org/
May provide financial assistance with veterinary treatment for pet owners in need. Must apply prior to treatment.
The Onyx and Breezy Foundation
PO Box 857
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Email: info@onyxandbreezy.org
Web: http://www.onyxandbreezy.org/
Provides assistance to pets of individuals when medical hardship is present – treatment, medication, pet food, spay and neuter.
The Pet Fund
2747 14th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
Phone: (916) 443-6007
Email: info@thepetfund.com
Web: www.thepetfund.com
Only helps with costs for non-basic, non-urgent care, such as cancer treatment, heart disease, chronic conditions, endocrine diseases, eye diseases, etc.
The Reidel and Cody Fund
Administration Office
PO Box 1162
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Email: info@riedelcody.org
Assists with funding chemotherapy and radiation treatments for pets with cancer.
The Savior Foundation
PO Box 770603
Memphis, TN 38177-0603
Email: mariotsf@aol.com
Web: www.thesaviorfoundation.org
Provides funding to offset immediate medical expenses and needs for any abused, injured and/or abandoned animal in a critical situation.
Trio Animal Foundation
516 North Ogden Ave. Suite 199
Chicago, IL 60642
Web: http://www.trioanimalfoundation.org/
The TAF assists shelters, rescues and individuals by paying the medical bills of homeless pets. TAF also promotes adoption and responsible pet ownership, including spay and neuter.