New Jersey AniMeals
Feeding Pets whose People are in need!
About New Jersey AniMeals

AniMeals began in California in 1984. A local Meals on Wheels program discovered that many clients were using portions of their meals to feed their pets. AniMeals soon emerged. Since then, several states have successfully duplicated the original AniMeals program.
AniMeals in New Jersey
In New Jersey, it is recognized that despite the affluence of Hunterdon County and neighboring areas, there are many dog and cat owners in need. In early 2007, a fledgling New Jersey AniMeals contacted County agencies, who determined that many people receiving social service benefits, as well as low-income, shut-in, and disabled persons, would benefit from a program like AniMeals.
New Jersey AniMeals began delivering pet food and litter in September 2007. In less than six months, the program doubled. We are now serving over 100 households in Hunterdon and Warren Counties. Applications and periodic reviews ensure that New Jersey AniMeals stays current with household needs and uses resources wisely.
Our Program Today
Every month, our volunteers make bulk deliveries of dog food, cat food, and kitty litter to our clients’ homes, without charge. Our organization is staffed 100% by volunteers.
New Jersey AniMeals currently has a waiting list. It is our hope to expand soon so that we may also serve these pets and the people who love them. You can help!!
Click Here for a list of drop off locations for donations of food or litter.
Click Here for a Volunteer Application.